BachReach Education
BachReach is Bach Aria Soloists’ uniquely interactive, dynamic educational outreach for schools and members of the community. The program introduces Bach, Baroque and contemporary music in a fun, exciting, highly informative presentation tailored to the student/teacher and senior center audiences.
The exposure to BAS’ BachReach is an experience that unleashes the imagination of students who may otherwise not have a chance to hear live, high quality chamber music with engaging dialogue, inspiring their own interest in classical music. BAS takes themes from our concert programs with our excellent collaborators to demonstrate the multi-genre, imaginative programming that BAS presents to inspire youths by interacting with them during the session, encouraging them to ask questions and see and hear these masterpieces brought to new, exciting life.
Chamber music and Orchestral Clinics preparing for District/State Festivals are in great demand, conducted by Artistic Director/Violinist Elizabeth Suh Lane.
Schools and senior centers are specifically chosen to be a part of this program.
Over 1000-1200 students are exposed to a BachReach performance every year.
Between 10-12 BachReach sessions are presented each year.
BachReach © all rights reserved.
BachReach Sponsors
Louis and Frances Swinken Supporting Foundation of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City
Gayle and Peter Bickers Foundation
BachReach Programs
Bach, Baroque & Live Music for Students and Seniors
An introduction to live chamber music of all genres: Bach, Baroque, fiddle music, popular music and much more for schools, senior centers and Memory Care seniors. For Memory Care seniors, BAS endeavors to perform familiar music from their time to arouse minds and uplift spirits as they listen.
Enthusiastic seniors at Mission Chateau applauding Bach Aria Soloists’ Baroque BachReach.
Ferdinand the Bull
Featuring the classic children’s picture book Ferdinand the Bull by Munro Leaf, adapted as Ferdinand the Bull, for Speaker and Violin by composer Alan Ridout. This version has beautiful, witty music depicting all of the emotion of the story, and teaches students about the metaphorical themes within the music and the story. We have a lively discussion with the students regarding the many historical and social elements after the performance.
Bach Shakes
The marriage of Shakespeare’s text to the evocative music of Bach, Vivaldi, Dowland, Monteverdi and Handel. This BachReach session unites BAS with veteran Shakespearean actors and the giants of music and literature.
Theme and Variations
A multi-genre partnership with the music of Bach and fiddle music with modern dance with excellent dancer (Caroline Dahm in the video). This BachReach teaches students about structure, rhythm, coordinating dance to music, listening skills, improvisation and expression through dance.
Here’s an excerpt of our Folkways BachReach with Elizabeth Suh Lane and guest fiddler Betse Ellis!
+ What Music Expresses
Elizabeth Suh Lane, violin/Artistic Director and Elisa Williams Bickers keyboard perform and help students explore and discuss what they are experiencing while listening to live chamber music and what the composers intended.
Orchestral, Chamber Music Clinics
Elizabeth Suh Lane is in great demand in the top orchestral programs in the Kansas City metropolitan area as a strings clinician. She has been conducting orchestra, chamber music clinics and master classes for the past two decades. Her tremendous experience with the London Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and the Bach Aria Soloists inspires her coaching of high school students and teachers who are preparing for District and State festivals, to bring them to the next level. Her own students have made All National, and have been leaders at All-State Festivals.